Monday, November 20, 2006

November 20, 2006

Heather's Golden Birthday! She turned 20! She is a Joy and a hoot, a brain and a ditz, a sensitive and caring soul. We are so blessed to have her as a daughter.
Since this comes before Gregg's first post you can tell that it was added later, but we're just learning yet so please cut us some slack.
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Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Feenstra Clan in Aurora Center

We doubled the population of Aurora Center for the day.
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A Day in Aurora Center

We went to Aurora Center, SD, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Brenda's parents. It was a beautiful day and so we took many photos outdoors. We had a great time with family. It was the weekend that my hair was falling out in a major way, and the first time I wore my wig in public. It was the first time I saw most of my family since my cancer diagnosis, so it was definitely an emotional reunion.
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