Thursday, August 28, 2008

Abundant Harvest

We were blessed with an abundant harvest of fruit from our trees this summer. We borrowed a fruit press and made gallons and gallons of juice from apples, pears, grapes, and plums. Gregg took measurements of the press in case he wants to build one for ourselves before the next bumper crop.
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Land Speculators

Now that we are empty nesters again for the school year, we needed something more to fill our time and to use our brain power on, so we bought a lot in a new subdivision on the east side of town. It is about 2 miles from home. We are planning to build a spec house on the lot. Gregg would do the designing and the shop would supply the wood products. It might sound like we are going through a mid-life crisis, but we are not near old enough to be having one of those . . . yet. Stay tuned and see what develops.
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Friday, August 8, 2008

Pahoja Camping

Holly talked us into tenting at Lake Pahoja for the last weekend of her summer break. It was beautiful weather. We took our new bikes along and made a lot of trips around the lake on their bike trail. We went swimming during the heat of the afternoon. We rented a canoe and paddled around the lake one morning. And Holly got our full attention because she was the only girl along.
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