Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This is an entertainment/curio cabinet we made recently for a customer. It was quite a challenge. The top center part consists of 2 shelves that rotate very slowly. So slow you almost don't notice. A small motor turns it. It was very difficult to make it quiet. The cylindrical cabinet back acted like an amplifier and every shim and vibration was magnified. Sort of like those dishes in parks where you can whisper and the other person 300 ft away can here you.
Another major challenge was the curved crown moulding over the top center cabinet. It was made by laminating multiple pieces together and then using the CNC machine to rout the profile in multiple passes.
Also the right hand cabinet and one not shown on the other side of the fireplace had to be scribed (carefully fit) to the rough stone fireplace.
The customer loved it. It was shibui...a Japanese term that means ...something that fits just right, like it was made to to be there and only there. We do a lot of stuff like that and I like the feeling of filling that special spot with just the right thing for someone.
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