Sunday, June 22, 2008

Idaho Vacation

Here we are on our first hike after arriving at the cabin near Fairfield, Idaho. We have already survived a night of tenting in Yellowstone in the rain with snow all around us and temps in the low 30's. We have survived snow last night and this morning while we were hiking. Only one of us has fallen into the creek (so far). No one has sore feet or wounds from scratchy undergrowth from hiking without trails (so far). We are all happy to see each other and are optimistic (so far) that we can survive for a week out in the 'wild' with minimal contact with other humans.
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Janet said...

I can see this picture used for your Christmas Cards this year. Good picture of all of you.

Janet said...

P.S. If Dan ever came to me and said we were going Hiking on our vacation I'd tell him to "TAKE A HIKE". :) Glad you all like to hike as I'm sure I miss alot of God's beautiful scenery. Thankful you all returned safely. Jim and his family just returned from a trip to Utah's Bryce Canyon, he shared over 900 (yes, 900 ) pictures with me and they looked like postcards. AWESOME. C U REAL SOON :)