Saturday, July 5, 2008

Who Says $$$ Doesn't Grow on Trees

I guess it's not so bad to turn 50. We celebrated with about 60 family and friends coming over for angel food cake, strawberries, and ice cream. It was a warm and humid afternoon so the buckets of water balloons that Holly prepared were a big hit. I found out that money DOES grow on trees, if Grama Feenstra is involved. I found out that Pam has a good memory when it comes to the poetry we made up during our childhood. She framed a poem from our hay-baling days. I found out that sister-in-law, Debbie, has a very good memory when you compliment her on her jewelry. I said I like her bracelet about 1 1/2 years ago when she was giving me a ride to a radiation treatment. So, she GAVE me her bracelet for a birthday gift. Debbie, you have such a big heart.
Gregg's comment about my age: "I never thought I'd be attracted to a 50-year-old woman!" (How can I NOT love that man.)
Heather & Holly's comment about my age: When we bike, I am often at the back of the group. When I was at the front of the group recently, they said it must be because everything is downhill for me now.
Thanks to all of you who celebrated with us.
I am thankful to be 50 and feeling so good. God is good, all the time.
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Itchellmeh said...

sorry we weren't able to come:( sounds like you had fun!

Janet said...

Incase Debbie reads your blog... "I love your Car" (incase you want to gift me it on my 50th).

Sarah said...

Oooo, a money tree!
Sounds like something from economics.