Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My first post

Actually I am just doing this because my Sis in law Janet did it.
I feel like I am wasting time, so I will post this and then quit.
Do I say goodbye??


Anne said...

Don't stop at just one posting. I think you should post a joke a day. I will get you started.
2 blondes were walking along and found a compact laying on the ground. The 1st blonde looked inside at the mirror and said I don't know who that is. The 2nd took the compact, looked in it and said, that's me silly.

Anne said...

Thanks for the joke. I will check back tommorrow for another one.
I have another blonde joke.

a blonde came home to her house and found that it had been broken into and her belongings stolen. She called 911 to report the crime. The nearest police officer was a policeman with the canine unit. He arrived shortly with his dog on a leash. The blonde sat down and began to cry. He asked what was wrong. She promptly replied " someone broke into my house and the police department sends a blind police officer "

Have a good day.

Janet said...

WOW Artisman. Not bad. How long did it take to do this? It's time consuming to set it up but it goes faster to post. I like Anne's idea of a Joke a Day. But instead of picking on "blonde's" I think I'll say "Dutchmen". :) I'll put this on favorites and check back hourly, no daily, wait... weekly or should maybe monthly. (Hint: ask the middle child how to insert "pictures" she knows :) Oh and by the way we liked the pic of you at S. H. on the wire above the water. (Charity's blog:) Your favorite sis in law (in KS). Janet

Anne said...

There was a blonde who died and went to heaven. She met St. Peter at the pearly gates. He informed her that there was a test to get into heaven. She said well, I need it to be easy. St. Peter asked her, "who was God's son?" The blonde thought for a while and then said Andy. St Peter questioned "Andy" The blonde began to sing " Andy walks with me, Andy talks to me, Andy tells..."

Anne said...

A blonde was bragging to her friend that she knew the capital of every state. Her friend said, fine, what is the capital of Wisconsin. That's easy she said "W"

I am waiting for a Dutchman joke from you Janet!

Janet said...

And here it is... A Dutchman walked into a Pizza place and ordered a pizza. The pizza man asked "would you like it cut into 6 or 8 slices." The Dutchman answered, "Cut it into 6, I can't afford 8". :)

Janet said...

Just one more Dutch joke OK then I'm done. After reading the doctor/lightbulb joke a "LIGHT BULB" (no pun intended) went off in my head. Here's the Dutch version of it. "How many Dutchmen does it take to change a light bulb? NONE. Dutch are so tight they still us candles. Just had to tell that. I really have nothing against the Dutch, I mean, after all, I've been married 27 years to one. I'll let Anne provide the Jokes hers are better anyway. :) Mrs. Dutch !

Anne said...

A blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshmean, sat in her government class. The professor asked her if she know whaat Roe vs. Wade was about. She pondered the question the said " That was the diecision Gearge Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware"

Glad to see some pictures Gregg. The link to Heather's site had a great picture of Brenda and the girls.

Anne said...

Gregg, are you going to help Janet and I out with the jokes?

What do you call a cow having a seizure?
Beef Jerky